
Berber Carpet steam and dry cleaning


Berber holds a lot of dirt and needs professional cleaning with a powerful truckmount system. We can handle all of your berber needs. Let our company get the deep down dirt out and make your berber shine again.

Berber Carpet steam and dry cleaning2009-06-28T12:22:50-04:00

Virginia Upholstery Cleaning Delicate Furniture Sofa, Loveseat, Chairs


Having trouble getting the soil dirt out of your furniture? We specialize in Virginia Upholstery Cleaning getting the dust, dirt, animal dander, dead skin cells and oils off your delicate sofa's, loveseats, chairs, cushions, and pillows. We take care of s-code, w-code fabrics as well as leather, microfiber and cotton fabrics. Call Allen's Dry-N-Clean for [...]

Virginia Upholstery Cleaning Delicate Furniture Sofa, Loveseat, Chairs2009-06-28T12:18:31-04:00

Termite and General Pest Control


We offer free termite inspections. We use video inspections of under the home or in the attic. We treat for termites, fleas, ticks, ants, spiders, roaches, silverfish, rats and mice. We have available green products, safe for children and pets. We have some safe spray products or baits may be used in the home inside and outside. [...]

Termite and General Pest Control2009-06-28T12:14:23-04:00
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