
Not All Stains Are the Same


Not All Stains Are the Same Every stain is different. Not all stains are the same and every stain should be treated specially. You can’t use the same cleaner on every stain because if you did, then you are going to have stains on your carpet and furniture that won’t be removed. When hiring a [...]

Not All Stains Are the Same2013-12-19T17:56:09-04:00

Keeping Furniture Clean and Healthy


Keeping Furniture Clean and Healthy Most people don’t purchase living or family room furniture, but every seven or more years. The reason people don’t purchase furniture often is because it is quite costly. Nobody wants to spend three or four thousand dollars, then in a year or two later do it again. To keep your [...]

Keeping Furniture Clean and Healthy2013-12-18T20:16:12-04:00

Pet Urine Removal Requires Professionals


Pet Urine Removal Your pet is just like a member of your family, but your pet can be your carpet’s worst enemy. Pets can have accidents and those accidents are almost impossible to get rid of. The accidents get deep down into the carpet padding and no matter what a homeowner does, they just can’t [...]

Pet Urine Removal Requires Professionals2013-12-18T12:53:44-04:00

DRY-N-CLEAN Carpet Cleaning Receives 2013 Best of Virginia Beach Award


Virginia Beach Award Program Honors the Achievement VIRGINIA BEACH December 3, 2013 -- DRY-N-CLEAN Carpet Cleaning has been selected for the 2013 Best of Virginia Beach Award in the Carpeting Contractors category by the Virginia Beach Award Program. Each year, the Virginia Beach Award Program identifies carpet cleaning companies that we believe have achieved exceptional [...]

DRY-N-CLEAN Carpet Cleaning Receives 2013 Best of Virginia Beach Award2018-01-24T12:18:46-04:00

Before & After Photo of Carpet Cleaning Virginia Beach VA


Got dirty carpets and need carpet cleaning? Here is a photo of dirty carpet we cleaned from a residential house in the Kempsville area of Virginia Beach VA. We pre-treat all spots and stains, on this carpet we had to clean it more than twice. If you have dirty carpets, call Dry-N-Clean today at 757-495-3626 [...]

Before & After Photo of Carpet Cleaning Virginia Beach VA2018-01-24T12:18:46-04:00

What Carpet Cleaning Method Is The Best?


Major carpet manufacturers, including Shaw Industries (the largest manufacturer of carpet in the world), recommend hot water extraction as the number one cleaning method. Hot water extraction is commonly known as "steam cleaning", and the process is done by applying a cleaning agent and using hot water in an extractor tool to remove the solution and [...]

What Carpet Cleaning Method Is The Best?2013-07-25T09:15:21-04:00

Are You Tired of Pet Odors in Your Home?


Have pet odors saturated your carpet and/or upholstery? You have found that no matter how many times you vacuum or spray fragrances, the pet odor always returns. Dry-N-Clean Carpet Cleaning will help you eliminate pet odor and stain problems with our pet odor removal Virginia Beach processes customized to your specific needs. Dry-N-Clean Carpet Cleaning [...]

Are You Tired of Pet Odors in Your Home?2013-07-25T09:00:45-04:00

How to Find the Right Carpet Cleaning Virginia Beach Company for You


The term “Carpet Cleaning” is not an easily definable word. Some suggest it means to vacuum all visible dirt or simply wipe away any spills that occur, while others believe carpet cleaning requires heat and strong chemicals. However both answers would be understandably correct, let’s get down to the root of Carpet Cleaning to see [...]

How to Find the Right Carpet Cleaning Virginia Beach Company for You2013-04-20T17:15:18-04:00

Carpet Cleaning Virginia Beach Reviews


Allen's DRY-N-CLEAN Carpet Cleaning Virginia Beach Reviews has been nothing but outstanding and 99% many Excellent rated reviews on Google and 5 star reviews on Yelp. As a family owned business located in Virginia Beach, VA we strive to offer the highest quality carpet cleaning service you can ever have. DRY-N-CLEAN has been in business [...]

Carpet Cleaning Virginia Beach Reviews2018-01-24T12:18:47-04:00

What are people saying about DRY-N-CLEAN?


Here are a few quotes from Google reviews: "I recently house trained my puppy, and needless to say was in need of a deep cleaning to get rid of the smell to discourage the dog from using the carpet as a restroom in the future. Dry-n-clean really did an amazing job, I will definitely be using [...]

What are people saying about DRY-N-CLEAN?2018-01-24T12:18:47-04:00
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